Solusi dari "Complete The Sentences With Do Or Does 1. .... People See Michelle Obama On Tv? 2. .... Michelle Oba..."

Jika anda ingin mencari cara menjawab dari pertanyaan complete the sentences with do or does 1. .... people see Michelle Obama on Tv? 2. .... Michelle Oba..., maka kamu sudah berada di halaman yang tepat.

Oh ya, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 ulasan mengenai complete the sentences with do or does 1. .... people see Michelle Obama on Tv? 2. .... Michelle Oba.... Monggo pelajari cara menjawabnya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Complete The Sentences With Do Or Does
1. .... People See Michelle Obama On Tv?
2. .... Michelle Obama Have A Sister?
3. ....Malia And Shasa Like Their Dog Bo?
4. .... Michelle Obama Work As A Lawyer Now ?
5. .... Michelle And Barack Obama Live In Washington?​

Jawaban: #1:


complete the sentences with do or does

1. Do people see Michelle Obama on Tv?

2.Does Michelle Obama have a sister?

3. Do Malia and Shasa like their dog bo?

4. Does Michelle Obama work as a lawyer now ?

5. Do Michelle and Barack Obama live in Washington?


I, you, they, we = do

He, She, It = does

The Hottest Michelle Lewin Photos - 12thBlog

lewin 12thblog (sumber gambar:

Itulah informasi mengenai tugas di atas, semoga dapat bermanfaat!

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