Solusi dari "Complete The Dialogue With The Suitable Answer Albert : "Hi, Alex, I... (1) Shoes Yesterday. What Do..."

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Oh ya, kami telah menyusun 2 jawaban dari Complete the dialogue with the suitable answer Albert : "Hi, Alex, I... (1) Shoes yesterday. What do.... Okey, langsung saja pelajari jawabannya lebih lanjut di bawah:

Complete The Dialogue With The Suitable Answer

Albert : "Hi, Alex, I... (1) Shoes Yesterday. What Do You Think About Them?"

Alex :"1.. (2) They Are Beautiful Red Shoes Abert : "Are You Sure, Alex?"

Alex : "Yes, Of Course. Do You.... (3) Red Color?"

Albert: Yes, Ilike It.

Alex: Think That Color Matches For You.

Albert : "Thank You, Alex.

Alex : "Okay, You .... (4) Welcome.

Albert : "See You Tomorrow, Alex."

Alex : ... (5).​

Jawaban: #1:

1. Buy

2.I think


5.see you too

Jawaban: #2:


1. bought

2. thought

3. like

4. are

5. see you too albert

VIDÉO - Jeune joueur du FC Barcelone, Alex Collado a inscrit un but

(sumber gambar:

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