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Jawaban: #1: Jawaban:
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
NAFTA started operations on January 1, 1994. Initially NAFTA was implemented by two countries, the United States and Canada. The establishment of NAFTA was motivated by the American Summit in Chile in April 1988 which discussed increasing cooperation in the fields of trade, culture, travel, and cyberspace. The cooperation between the United States and Canada attracted Mexico's interest to be involved in the agreement. In September 1998, Mexico also signed a Declaration and Memorandum of Understanding which formalized Mexico's entry into NAFTA. NAFTA has the following objectives:
- Increase economic growth and job opportunities.
- Creating a business climate to encourage fair competition.
- Increase investment opportunities.
- Creating effective procedures for settlement of trades.
CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement)
CAFTA is a free trade agreement agreed by the United States and Central American countries such as Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua in the period 2003-2004. The existence of CAFTA is a forum for the Caribbean Basin Initiative which contains regulations on export fees and import quotas between the United States and countries in Central America. The goal of establishing the CAFTA is to realize the progress of trade between its member countries. The existence of CAFTA has several provisions, namely cross-border trade in services, financial services, investment, market access, and agriculture

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