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Kami telah mempunyai 1 cara mengerjakan dari Characteristic aspects of the country While the French Republic sad to the two of them talk, qurity.... Monggo baca kunci jawabannya selanjutnya di bawah ini:

aspects Of The Country
While The French Republic Sad To The Two Of Them Talk, Qurity And Slowly
be One And Undvided The Swiss Conle About The Greators And The Late Mot
deration May Be Said To Be Divided But Tune Of The Honest And Hard-working
Daded By Its Landscapes, Its Langua- The Traveller Than Strolle Wong A
ges, Its Customs But One In Its Spirit. Its Quiet Lealy Lane Next To A Serene Er
heart And Its Soul Divided In Its History. As If By Magic The Lane Turn Into Ton
but One In Its Present
path Climbing Alongside A Tagung Tor
What Impresses The Traveller Above Rent Only To Emerge All Of A Sudden Into
all Is The Extraordinary Variety Of Its Is An Amphitheatre Of Glace Where The
Tas Its Dialects And Its Traditions Out Of Peaks Clad Internal Snow Reflect
which, Nevertheless, Comes An Impres Majestically In The Deep Blue Of A Bot
son Of United Strength Of Stratified Rock Tomless Lake
which Cannot Crumble, Of A Monoithic Here The World's End Seems To Awar
structure With Many Faceta
the Rambler Behind Every Ti Tree
Here, A Smiling Plain With Golden Is That The Bell Of A Straying Cow Tin-
wheat Rippling In The Breeze. There, A Kling In The Distance, Or In A Church Bell
cool Glade With A Bubbling Spring Summoning The Faithfuldeep Down In
In The Distance, The Powerful Brow Of The Mist?
the Alps, Proud And Snow Capped Or Filled With Wonder At The Beauty Of
the Jura Chain With Its Rounded Forme Nature, Light-headed Due To The Purdy Of
and Evening Hues
the Air, And Hungry After A Long Walk The
Or Here Is A City. A Large Bustling City Traveller Is Without A Care He Knows
with Marble Fronts, Jewelry Shops, That He Will Find An In With Comfortable
banks And Luxury Hotels Providing A Benches, And Polished Tables, And That
reminder That The Country Has The High- In The Warmth Of A Cheerful Fire He Will
est Standard Of Living M Europe Sip A Few Glasses Of White Wine And
And Yet Quite Nearby, The Flower Regale Himself With Food, Which May Be
beriecked Wooden Chalets, The Colour Simple Or Sophisticated, But Always
of Honey Or Toffee Are Huddled On The Delicious And Plentiful
crest Of A Hill, Like A Doll's Village He Will Be Spoken To In Prench Ger
look, The Cowherd Is Coming Back Man Allan Or Romance Or In Some
down From The Mountain Pasture Clad Dialect Who Knows, But It Will Entre
in Traditional Attire - His Real Working The Same Unchanging Tradition Of Hospi
clothes, Not Sumply A Relic Of The Past Tality And Generosity
He Meets A Country
woman Wearing Her Thus Revived, The Traveller En
delicate Head Dress Made Of Lace And His Way Down To The Valley. Tolong Carikan Kata Adjective Nya Ya ​

Jawaban: #1:


- slowly

- wonder

- beauty

- delicious

- comfortable

- generosity


kata adjective adalah kata sifat.

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costuras formulatv (sumber gambar:

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