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Kami sudah menyusun 1 cara menyelesaikan mengenai Final Semester Assessment Chocover by crossing b. dore c. 660 Kilometers to be Matul Bridge National.... Monggo lihat kunci jawabannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Final Semester Assessment
Chocover By Crossing B. Dore
c. 660 Kilometers To Be
Matul Bridge National Park
Na De Natonal Parks Luscious
Cod Moters From South Of
banandis Reached By Following The Pacific
Highway To Nerang And Then By Travelling
through The Numinah Valley. This Scenic
roadway Lies In The Shadow Of Lorington
660 Kilometers From Langton
Naisonal Park
660 Kilometers From Nerang
5. What The Visitors The Night?
a Comunon Glowworm
b. The Unique Leature Of The Glow Wou
The Phenomenon Of The Rock Formed Into
nature And The Cave Through Which
w Scades Is A Short One-diameter
below Dense Rainforest Canopy From
the Main Picnic Area. Svimming Permitted
the Rock Pools. Night-time Visitors To The
cave Will Discover The Unique Entre Of The
slow Worms. The Picnie Area Offers Toilets,
brogue Shelter Sheds, Water And Fireplaces,
however, Overrught Camping Is Not Permitted
1 What Is The Function Of The First Paragraph?
d The Unique Rocks
e The Fantastiche
The Followigestis For Question Number 6 And 7.
This Is A New School Year And There Are
many New Students Around Please Be Friendly
and Help Them Understand The Dukes Of Our
6. Where Can You Find The Text?
a La School
b. Ata Baolostore
Ata Bank
d. At A Park
e. At The Hal
7. Who Do You Think Sends The Announ
New Students
b. Senior Sbadents.
as A Classification
The Text Above Form Of
a Hortatory Position
d. Report
s Explanation
3. What Is The Communicative Purpose Of The
to Present Two Point Of Views About
natural Bridge National Park
to Explain The Bridge National Park
to Describe The Bridge Nabional Park
8. To Retell The Bridge National Park
to Persuade Readers To Treat Preserve
the Bridge National Park
Where Is The Natural Bridge National Park
560 Kalometers From South Of Brisbane
b. 660 Kilometers From Pacific Highway
d. Teacher
e. Headmaster
8. Last Holiday In Ireland
b. Spent
will Spend
d. Is Spending
ะต Has Spent
9. Where Did You. Your Last Holiday?
a Will Spend
b. Spends
c. Spent
d. Have Spend
e Spend
5) K13/SMK MAK/Bahasa Inggris - XUSmt.G/C​

Jawaban: #1:


sorry I di this i need Point' sadddd

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