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Sedang cari kunci jawaban tentang 4. The students join the flag ceremony every Monday morning The interrogative form of the sentence i...? Kalau iya, kamu sudah ada di halaman yang benar.

By the way, kami sudah menyusun 2 cara mengerjakan atas 4. The students join the flag ceremony every Monday morning The interrogative form of the sentence i.... Monggo pelajari cara menjawabnya selanjutnya di bawah:

4. The Students Join The Flag Ceremony Every Monday Morning
The Interrogative Form Of The Sentence Is
a. Do They Join The Flag Ceremony Every Monday Morning?
b. Do We Join The Flag Ceremony Every Monday Morning?
c. Does He Join The Flag Ceremony Every Monday Morning?
d. Does She Join The Flag Ceremony Every Monday Morning?

Tolong Bantu Jawab Yaahh

Terima Kasih....​

Jawaban: #1:


4. The students join the flag ceremony every Monday morning

The interrogative form of the sentence is

a. Do they join the flag ceremony every Monday morning?


Materi: Simple Present Tense


+) S + V1 s/es + O/C

-) S + Do/Does + Not + V1 + O/ C

?) Do/does + S + V1 + O/C

The students --> They

Jawaban: #2:

The interrogative form of the sentence is "Do they join the flag ceremony every Monday morning?"

  • Jawabannya adalah A ✔️


Simple Present biasanya digunakan utk menunjukkan sebuah kebiasaan dan memiliki ciri dengan keterangan waktu;

=> usually,

=> every morning,✔️

=> Every afternoon

=> everyday

Rumus Simple Present

(+) subject + verb1(-s/-es) + object

(-) subject + do/does + not + verb1 + object

(?) do/does + subject + verb 1 + object?

Kalimat Present Tense

(+) The students join the flag ceremony every Monday morning

(-) They do not join the flag ceremony every Monday morning?

(?) Do they join the flag ceremony every Monday morning?


The student ➡️ tunggal, bisa she/he

The students ➡️ jamak, kata gantinya adalah they ✔️


Present Tense:

Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris


Level: JHS-SHS

Kode Mapel: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 10.5.3

Kata Kunci: Verb-1,

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